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Dickie – K Mag Promo Mix + Interview

  • Release date: 2014-05-26
  • Label: Liquid Tones


Liquid Tones are one of the most exciting and dymanic labels out there. They are hooking up with Kmag for the next Kmag Presents…night, this Friday April 26th. We spoke to main man Dickie, who lets us in on a few Liquid Tones secrets. He presents his very own guest mix, which you can check out below.

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    BrokenDrumPROMO MIX



How did Liquid Tones as a label and as a movement start out?

On Gumtree! I think I was on there trying to sell my Ryan Giggs soccer annuals and I stumbled across an advert relating to a liquid d&b night that was in the process of being developed. I wasn’t having much luck selling the annuals so I thought I’d respond to that instead. I ended up meeting with the promoter, unfortunately he wasn’t interested in the annuals but we certainly came up with a few good ideas for putting together something colourful and creative. We grabbed a bunch of DJs, threw in some live musicians and vocalists and set up camp in vibrant venue south of the river. We never intended on setting up the label initially, I’m not sure how that even came about, it just kinda happened by accident I think. Also, I still have those annuals if any ones interested, no time wasters please.


Now you’ve been running for a while, how does the label work out on a day to day basis?

Quite easily actually. Both of us have a similar taste in music and when it comes to shaping the direction we want to move Liquid Tones in we’re both on sync, generally speaking. We both come from different professional backgrounds which when combined mean the running of the label sorts itself out really. Clarke is an incredible designer, that’s his day job, so naturally he takes care of all of our artwork and web design. Prior to setting up Liquid Tones I was running with the Lifestyle Recordings crew so I already knew a lot of the ins & outs with regards to running a label. On paper it sounds like the combination should run pretty smoothly, we do bicker now and again, I guess that just means we care. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Do you have an abiding philosophy or anything which governs what you are about?
Our philosophy is just to try and give something positive back to the scene that’s given us so much positivity over the years. If others are getting enjoyment out of what we do then that’s good enough for us. We have an understanding of the direction we want to take the label which isn’t too rigid, we try not to get boxed in with too many boundaries and keep an open mind, I think that’s been reflected fairly well with the releases we’ve put out to date.


What would you say it is about the liquid vibe you love so much?
It’s almost an escape for me. The more electronic, tech based stuff often take my mind into space and the really soulful and jazz orientated stuff to summer time paradises, then there’s all those places in between (don’t get me started!). I guess I just like to escape from reality now and then.


Tell us a little more about Tomek N.
Once I found him naked and crying on the bathroom floor because…. Oh do you mean about him as an artist? Sorry, let me start again!

He’s certainly one to watch out for in the future. He’s not one of those producers that’ll just sign anything to the first label that comes about, nor is he desperate to release everything right here right now. I really admire that and there’s no doubt his patients will pay off. He’s generally one of the good guys and the scene is a better place with him in it. I’m hoping to get him to steal him away from the competition for a few more releases in the future, but we’ll have to wait and see on that one. All in all he’s a pleasure to work with and a stand up dude!


What’ve you got in the mix for Kmag?
We tried to keep the mix as upbeat and colourful as we could really, that’s what Liquid Tones is all about. There’s plenty of material that’s forthcoming on the label over the summer as well as some of our favourite tracks from past releases. There’s also something quite special from Tomek in there that’s so hot off the press it doesn’t even have a name yet!

Lastly, let us know more about the new releases that Liquid Tones.
Yeh, sure. We have quite a few exciting releases in the pipeline actually. Our next one is the Hazuki release, entitled Romantic, which comes out on April 29th. If you like your liquid with a bit of bite and full of colour then this one is definitely worth checking out. Then on May 13th look out for Salaryman’s EP, it’s bit more heavy handed and sweaty than anything we’ve done before but it’s always good to switch things up. If you want an idea of what he have planned for the future , release wise, then the mix is a great place to start.’